Space and sponsorships…almost

05 Oct 2005 5:00 PM | Deleted user

We're so close to several really interesting announcements about the Triangle's celebration of World Usability Day. I don't want to reveal anything before it's been finalized, so this post is really just to let you know that we've made some great progress these past couple of weeks. Particularly, we've

* **almost found space for the event**. This has been my top priority over the past couple of weeks, and I'm glad to say that the search has nearly come to a close. I found a great space that's centrally located and has plenty of parking. I should have everything finalized sometime next week.
* **been working on a list of sponsorship benefits** (thanks, Kim!) that will help us communicate the value of donating money to the event. I'll post the benefits here either tomorrow or sometime next week. If you think your company might be interested in donating to the event, please let me know.

There's still much to do before November 3! We're recruiting teams for the interactionary, we're recruiting judges and panelists, and we've still got to promote the event. My goal is to get 150 people to attend! It's a lot of people, I know. With your help, though, I know we can do it.

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